Paris is full to overflowing with wonderful historical churches, which cover a wide array of architectural styles and purposes. Some of the most notable are listed below; more remain to be added. Listed with each Paris church is its dates of construction, architectural style, type of church, and arrondissement.
American Cathedral of Holy Trinity (1886)
Neo-Gothic Episcopalian Cathedral, 8e This Neo-Gothic cathedral was built to provide a place of worship for American Episcopalians of Paris. | |
Notre-Dame de Paris (1163-1345)
Gothic Cathedral, 4e One of the most famous cathedrals in the world, this Gothic beauty is a must-see. | |
Sacré-Coeur Basilica (1875-1914)
Romanesque-Byzantine Basilica, 18e This 19th-century basilica and landmark is built over the place to which St. Denis is said to have carried his own severed head after his martyrdom. | |
Sainte-Chapelle (1241-1248)
Gothic Royal Chapel and Catholic Shrine, 1er Famed for its stained glass, this beautiful 13th-century Gothic chapel was built by King Louis IX as his royal chapel. | |
St-Etienne-du-Mont (1492-1626)
Gothic Abbey Church, 5e This church stands on the site of an abbey founded by Clovis and dedicated to Geneviève, the patroness of Paris. It still receives pilgrims today. | |
St-Germain-des-Prés (1163)
Romanesque Abbey Church, 6e Built to house a relic of the True Cross brought from Spain in 542, this church was so powerful in the Middle Ages that it became a town within the town. |
La Madeleine (1764-1842)
Neo-Classical Abbey Church, 8e
Dedicated to Mary Magdalene and designed as a
temple to the glory of Napoleon's army, this is now a
Benedictine church popular for weddings.
Neo-Classical Abbey Church, 8e
Dedicated to Mary Magdalene and designed as a
temple to the glory of Napoleon's army, this is now a
Benedictine church popular for weddings.
Panthéon (1806-1842)
Neo-Classical Abbey Church and Pantheon, 8e This 18th-century church was originally part of an abbey dedicated to St. Genevieve; it now functions primarily as a burial place for French heroes. |
St-Clotilde (1845-1857)
Neo-Gothic Basilica, 6e
Once the most fashionable church in 19th-century
Paris, the neo-Gothic Basilique Ste-Clotilde is best
known for its imposing twin spires.
Neo-Gothic Basilica, 6e
Once the most fashionable church in 19th-century
Paris, the neo-Gothic Basilique Ste-Clotilde is best
known for its imposing twin spires.
St-Denis (1136-c1290)
Gothic Basilica, 10e The imposing St-Denis is notable for its Gothic architecture and for being the burial site of French monarchs. |
St-Germain l'Auxerrois (14th century)
Gothic Royal Church, 1er
When the Louvre was still a royal palace, this was its church.
It accordingly drew an assortment of royalty, courtesans, men
of art and law, and local artisans.
When the Louvre was still a royal palace, this was its church.
It accordingly drew an assortment of royalty, courtesans, men
of art and law, and local artisans.
St-Sulpice (1646-1745)
Late Baroque Parish Church, 6e
This is a huge - at one time the largest in Paris - Late
Baroque church, located in the fashionable
neighborhood of Saint-Sulpice.
Late Baroque Parish Church, 6e
This is a huge - at one time the largest in Paris - Late
Baroque church, located in the fashionable
neighborhood of Saint-Sulpice.
Modrić i Dalić: Pobjeda protiv Walesa je imperativ ... Kapetan hrvatske nogometne reprezentacija Luka Modrić istaknuo je da protiv Walesa nemaju pravo na pogrešku i da ih zanima jedino pobjeda, bez obzira na najavljenu vrućinu koja će biti jednak problem i za gostujuću reprezentaciju. LUKA MODRIĆ NAJBOLJI JE NOGOMETAŠ SVIJETA! Iz Londona ... 9/24/2018 · Luka Modrić i Zlatko Dalić danas bi se još jednom mogli upisati u nogometnu povijest. Kapetan i izbornik hrvatske reprezentacije u najužem su izboru za najboljeg nogometaša i ternera godine u izboru FIFA-e, a po svim prognozama, Modrić je prvi kandidat za zvijezdu večeri jer Cristiano Ronaldo, kako je potvrđeno iz Juventusa, ne dolazi na Best FIFA Footbal Awards
(FOTO) U Opatiji Roberto Baggio i Luka Modrić predstavili ... Danas je Opatiji u organizaciji Privredne banke Zagreb (PBZ) predstavljen nogometni kamp za djecu (Italia Soccer Camp). Ovo sportsko događanje namijenjeno je djeci u dobi od 7 do 14 godina, a Privredna banka Zagreb kao članica Intesa Sanpaolo Grupe glavni je partner ovog projekta u Hrvatskoj koji podržava i Generali osiguranje.
Luka i Vanja Modrić slave godišnjicu braka - Luka Modrić i Vanja Bosnić svoju šestogodišnju vezu bračnim su zavjetima okrunili u svibnju 2010. godine. Tada su slavili uz bliske prijatelje i članove najuže obitelji, a godinu kasnije priredili su veliko slavlje. A post shared by Luka Modric (@lukamodric10) on May 12, 2018 at 6:00am PDT ...
VIDEO Svi pričaju o snimci na kojoj petogodišnji Luka ... Luka Modrić, u ovom trenutku vjerojatno najbolji nogometaš svijeta, uživa u svojoj zasluženoj slavi.
HRT: Marca: Modrić ostaje u Real Madridu i sljedeće sezone Prema pisanju španjolske Marce hrvatski veznjak Luka Modrić neće napustiti Real Madrid. Marca piše i da trener Reala Zinedine Zidane vjeruje Modriću, ali da je svjestan da će ga morati malo štedjeti na manje važnim utakmicama kako bi dobio najbolje od njega, nakon razočaravajuće i zamorne sezone. S druge strane, sudbina ostalih igrača poput Isca još je pod upitnikom.
Luka Modrić - Početna | Facebook Luka Modrić. Sviđa mi se: 8 mil. Welcome to the official page of Luka Modrić.
Luka "Ne sjećam se" Modrić: Sve zaboravio radi Mamića ... Luka Modrić, zvijezda Real Madrida i kapetan hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije, svjedočio je u utorak pred osječkim županijskim sudom u procesu protiv Zdravka Mamića i njegovih najbližih suradnika. Čitavo svjedočenje moglo bi se svesti na samo tri riječi: "Ne sjećam se". Dok je svjedočio u prostorijama Uskoka, svega se mogao sjetiti. HRT: Modrić lijepom gestom čestitao Karimu Benzemi Kapetan hrvatske reprezentacije Luka Modrić nije konkurirao za nastup u momčadi "kraljevskog kluba", a nakon susreta spustio se do svlačionice pozdraviti...
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